Friday 6 March 2015



For the implementation of Airline Reservation System following  H/W and S/W are required:

Pentium II onwards
RAM-256 MB or more
Tomcat 6 server
Hard Disk Space- 20 GB
JDK 1.6
CD-ROM Drive-52x
Pen Drive
Internet Explorer/Mozilla Firefox


Above hardwares  are generally available in recent computers otherwise to be installed.
Almost all softwares are freely available on Internet. Location of a few software are given below:
  1. Tomcat 6 Server(
  2. JDK 1.6(
  3. MySQL 5(

Step of implementation and mode of operation are:
  • Open the Tomcat 6.0 Server.
  • Open the browser(Internet Explorer/Mozilla Firefox) and enter the URL of ARSystem   http://localhost:8080/AirlineReservationSystem/
  • Home page ARSystem will be displayed.
  • Enter-------From, To, Depart(data), Class, Adults, Children(2-11 yrs), Infants(under 2 yrs) and then click on the search button.
  • Flights display--------list of all flights available on a parlicular day.
  • Select flight of your choice.
  • Description of ticket along with fare and continue booking.
  • Login page displayed.
1.       Already a Member ? Login
Enter email and password and then click on login button.
2.       Not a Member ? Register
Enter Title(Mr.,Mrs.,Ms.), First Name, Last Name, Email, Password, Confirm PASSWORD, City, Country, Pin , Address1, Address2, Mobile#, Alternate# and then click on Register button.
  • Your contact information as shown above and Lead Customer’s(First Adult) Title, First Name, Last Name and mode of payment(Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking) click on Continue Booking.
  • A message will be displayed “Congratulations, your ticket has been booked successfully. Your booking reference number is : 1274000996782” and then click on Show My Ticket button.
  • Ticket is issued and can be printed by clicking on Print Ticket button.
  • If you want to cancel your ticket/update your profile/ change password then go to home page and click on Login/Register.
  • Already a member------Enter Email and Password and click on Login button.
  • A page called my booking will be displayed Update Profile, Change Password, Print E-Ticket, Cancel E-Ticket, Booked History, Cancelled History.
1.      Update Profile : - To update profile click on Update Profile link and fill the fields Email Id, Salutation, First Name, Last Name, City, Country, Address1, Address2, Mobile No., Alt. Contact, Pin Code and then click on Update Profile button.
2.      Change Password : - If user want to change the password then click on Change Password link and enter the new password and then click on Update Password button.
3.       Print E-Ticket  : -To print ticket click on  Print E-Ticket link then “Enter the booking reference number : “in the displayed field and then click on Get Ticket button.
4.       Cancel E-Ticket : - To cancel ticket click on Cancel E-Ticket link then then “Enter the booking reference number : “ in the displayed field and then click on Get Ticket button.
5.       Booked History & Cancelled History : -  On click the button displays the detail history of the booking /cancel.
  • If not a member then register himself by entering Title(Mr.,Mrs.,Ms.), First Name, Last Name, Email, Password, Confirm PASSWORD, City, Country, Pin , Address1, Address2, Mobile#, Alternate# and then click on Register button.

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